Search Results for: library

Create a Home Library

Don't live with unused rooms any longer! See this before and after as an unused dining room is transformed into a home library. Make your home work for you!

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More Library Inspiration | Unusual Library Spaces

My last Library post was all about Double Duty rooms and how to create a library space within another room. Those were primarily in Family/Living Rooms, Dining Rooms and Bedrooms. In my look at Home Libraries, I’ve come across even more creative and adventurous types;...

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Double Duty |Creating a Home Library in Another Room

I recently posted an article about the future of home libraries in our digital age. This was sparked by my work on a home library interior design project. Much of the feedback I received was that the Beautiful Habitat readers wished they had a home library. You...

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Design Inspiration | Future of the Home Library

I’m working on a Home Library design in a beautiful, traditional home in Denver. Few homes have these beautiful, inviting, bonus rooms, and I fear that even fewer will in the future. Libraries, public and private, really are a treasure. I was recently in New...

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Top 3 Drapery Before & After

When I tell clients they need window treatments, a worried look might cross their face. Especially if I use the word “drapery”. They have images of swoops and festoons, and miles of frilly fabric or heavy velvet. But that is certainly not how we roll here at Beautiful Habitat.  See my top 3 drapery before and after.

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Favorite Fall Rooms

The colder air brings with it much inspiration in the warm, vibrant, spicy colors associated with autumn and the desire to nest and spend more time in our interiors. See our Favorite Fall-inspired room designs.

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